The main principle of VOIP technology is to transform the voice into digital signals which will be forwarded to the broadband internet. This net connection will then help in the conversion of the digital signals into voice before reaching to […]
The internet as a medium for business owners
Business owners of companies both large and small can achieve rich improvements in their operations if they start to ask themselves regularly, “I have just been handed a powerful new tool. It essentially lets me costless communicate with anyone on […]
Matt Cutts’s advice for small business owners
Rodney Bartlett interviews Matt Cutts of Google at Pubcon in 2007 in Las Vegas. Matt dispensed some excellent tips for small business owners and gives answers to a few key questions.
Technology and people behind it
The technology needs people and there are people who will need technology. This symbiotic relationship stimulates business growth. Those involved in the case have specific roles and use different tools to expedite their work. Eligible people receive the vehicles and […]