The penalties for driving without insurance in the state of California are harsh. If you are caught driving without insurance, you will be given a citation with a stiff fine. In addition, if you had insurance and the policy has lapsed, the insurance company will notify the Department of Motor Vehicles, and your registration will be suspended. It will cost money to have the registration reinstated, and this is true even if you are not pulled over by the police.
What’s even worse is getting into an accident without having insurance. Your driver’s license can be suspended for up to four years, and once the time comes to get a new driver’s license, the insurance will be expensive.
The best course of action
The best strategy for your personal finances is to drive with insurance, and buy a policy that covers the minimum requirements of California law. This type of insurance will cover the damage done to the other driver’s car in the event the accident is your fault. It will also cover liability for injuries to the driver and his or her passengers.
Auto Insurance is easy to obtain
California insurance quotes are readily available and easy to do right from your home or mobile Internet connection. Insurance can be bought and paid for in the same day, and you can have proof of insurance provided to you at the same time. There are several companies that provide this rapid service. Same Day Insurance is one such example.